
No matter if you're trying to trying to save the world, or plan a school dance, Step 1 is always the same .. get people together to and plan. This time, we explore why this one seemingly simple step is so difficult to accomplish, and usually end in failure.

S T O P .. you're doing it wrong .. (Part 1.5)

Everyone loves a good challenge, especially the social friendly ones that are always trending. Well, Hollywood, with all you might, resources, talent and influence, here's a doozie for ya .. .

Box Office Challenge .. come on Hollywood, we know you can do it.

How realistic is it, having a job working towards peace and change. Is a matter of willingness, or opportunity? What if you wanted to work towards making the world better? Where would you go? IS there anywhere TO go? .. or is it all just part of the machine.

Work for Peace? .. sorry, they're not hiring.

Our world is broken. Understatement of century there. With so many things wrong with the world, how can we change it? Is it an impossibility, or is there hope? What are we doing wrong? Well, let's take a look and see if we can sort this out.

S T O P .. you're doing it wrong .. (Part 1)

Ready or not .. here it comes. Here's to the lauch of ourMootWorld. I'm launching a little earlier than I thought, and things aren't quite complete, this really can't wait any more. So, let's save the world already .. good? Okay, let's go.

Under Construction .. but here we go anyway

Hmmm .. money money money .. why do we use it, or more importantly why are we still using it?  Is it simply about assigning value or does it have a greater meaning .. what's its effect on us?  This time, let's touch on a brief history of dosh, and it's influence.

But .. but .. .. my socks are fine aren't they .. ?

Bandwagons are great, but with so many to choose from, you just can't jump on them all .. who has the time? Trains get you there faster, and let's face it, having a dining car rules. So let's put on our freshest and bestest and take a ride, the train is leaving the station.

Trains Trains Trains .. which one shall we ride today .. ?