Work for Peace? .. sorry, they're not hiring. | ourMootWorld

How realistic is it, having a job working towards peace and change. Is a matter of willingness, or opportunity? What if you wanted to work towards making the world better? Where would you go? IS there anywhere TO go? .. or is it all just part of the machine.

A wish .. a dream ..

I close my eyes and long .. .

   ( -_- )   .. if only there could be peace..

   ( ~_0)  .. ? ..

Nope .. didn't work. :\ Oh well, no harm in trying I guess.

Unrealistic as it may sound, I do wish for peace. I wish for a day where fists remain open, and it's ok to be different. A day where the laughter of children isn't muted by hunger and despair. A day where uprising is more about bread, than it is about war.

Perhaps if peace came with a T-shirt and travel miles more would sign on.

I wish I could offer my hands, my words .. my life .. to further peace, but alas, my life is not really mine to give .. it's owned by banks and creditors, prime time and caffeine. Perhaps that's what the expression "a lease on life" now means .. that we no longer own our lives, but rather can rent it for no money down, and a low monthly fee. :\

! Yikes ! .. gloomy stuff, I know .. but the world is a gloomy place.

Unrealistic as it may sound .. I DO wish for peace.

Poetic rhetoric aside, I do wish I could further peace. If I could, I would go anywhere, do anything .. dig a ditch, build a school, hold a hand .. wipe a tear ..

But how .. ?

I wish I could make peace my full time job. I tried once, when I was free of the burden of payments, free to offer my life when it was still my own .. but I guess peace wasn't hiring, because no one responded.  I emailed every company I could think of .. +United Way, +Canadian Red Cross, etc etc .. I even emailed celebrity wish list such as like +Ellen DeGeneres and +Oprah Winffrey used to do asking for an opportunity to work for peace .. a silly long shot I know .. and of course, I received no response there either.

Is it that working for peace, and wanting to make our world a better place just sounds nutty? .. or impossible? .. or ".. ugh .. another knuckle-head .. delete .. "

Well .. that was a long time ago .. jobs have come and gone since then .. debt has risen .. and my life certainly isn't my own .. creditors own more of me than I do now .. but the wish remains. 

I really do wish I could work for peace full time, if there was a way, I most certainly would do it .. anywhere, I would drop everything and leave .. but how can I when I'm bound by financial obligations? Money and peace have never exactly gone hand in hand, in fact, more often than not, they are at odds with one another so I'm at a loss.

.. sigh .. cheers I guess .. .

Work for Peace? .. sorry, they're not hiring.

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