March 2014 | ourMootWorld

Hmmm .. money money money .. why do we use it, or more importantly why are we still using it?  Is it simply about assigning value or does it have a greater meaning .. what's its effect on us?  This time, let's touch on a brief history of dosh, and it's influence.

But .. but .. .. my socks are fine aren't they .. ?

Bandwagons are great, but with so many to choose from, you just can't jump on them all .. who has the time? Trains get you there faster, and let's face it, having a dining car rules. So let's put on our freshest and bestest and take a ride, the train is leaving the station.

Trains Trains Trains .. which one shall we ride today .. ?

No matter what the setting, diplomatic meetings, political negotiations, peace talks, etc etc .. they all have one thing in common, passionate people .. and let's face it all that passion leads to a lot arguing and conflict. Maybe it's time to get back to basics.

Random Thoughts .. cookies .. a recipe for peace

Earth, it's a pretty swell place to be .. mostly. Let's face it though, there's a little room for improvement. War, disease, poverty, corruption .. not things MOST of us are into, and yet we allow it to continue. Do we really want change, want peace? I wonder.

Introduction .. this is our world ..