S T O P .. you're doing it wrong .. (Part 1) | ourMootWorld

Our world is broken. Understatement of century there. With so many things wrong with the world, how can we change it? Is it an impossibility, or is there hope? What are we doing wrong? Well, let's take a look and see if we can sort this out.

Helloo internets .. .
.. here we are again you and I .. it’s been a long a time.

Sorry I haven’t written you sooner .. but .. meh .. life happens. Not much has changed since we last talked ..
I still drink too much coffee .. the world is still buggered.

.. ok .. wish me luck here.  I’m going to try and sway from my usual long-winded blethers and be as concise as possible .. although .. there is much to be said, so no promises.  ;)

As it turns out .. lol .. to no great surprise, this is rather lengthy .. so you may want to settle in with a fine beverage of your choice before proceeding ..  :)

Now .. case and point, the world is in trouble .. or rather OUR world is in trouble.  We all live here, we all share it .. it’s equally ours (arguably .. and that’s part of the problem .. but more on that later.)

. .. a few minutes of reflection pass .. .

.. sigh .. you know what .. things are just sooo screwed in so many ways .. I really don’t know where to begin, so I’m not even going to.  Let’s just sum it up like so:

You may want to double check my math on that, but it should be pretty close.

These days, there are soOo many people talking about everything that’s wrong with .. well .. everything .. that they have all sadly just become background noise, and no one even really hears it anymore.  Yeah, that’s kind of a glum generalization, but it’s more or less true.   Not to belittle any them however .. the sharing of information and experiences is fantastic .. knowledge is paramount; although staying informed is important, we need a little less “this is what’s wrong, this is what happened” and a little more .. “here’s what we need to do .. Step 1: ...”

So .. sounds simple enough right?  Baby steps.  Well, have you ever watched a baby trying to walk .. hahah .. not so graceful .. but with a little help, sure enough .. step step step .. smooooth sailin’ .. with the occasional face plant thrown in to keep things interesting ..  ;)

So then, Mr. Smartie Pants .. what’s step 1 then?

Well casual reader, I’m glad you asked .. but first let me tell you what step one isn’t.  Step one isn’t war (duh) but it also isn’t any of the other strong words usually associated with radical change .. it isn’t a protest, revolt, uprising or revolution .. and it’s not even really about being noncompliant or disobedient .. all strong words, and it isn’t so much the intent behind the word, but rather the association with the words themselves.  They all sound inherently violent, and violence never solves anything, it only declares a loser.

Sometime ago, I was reading an article on Gawker about +Russell Brand , which is essentially why I am writing this.  Originally it was going to be a simple reply on the thread, and then maybe an “Open letter to Russell Brand” type thing .. but heck, why stop there .. let’s call this my open letter to the world, or simply “Stop! You’re doing it wrong.” .. hmmm .. nice title actually ..  :)

.. and I have to disagree agree with Russell about the time for being polite is over, as quoted in the Gawker article .. admittedly I haven’t watched the video yet, but I intend to.  There is always room for good manners.  It’s nice to be nice ..  :) 

So then .. what’s to be done .. ? ..

Well, regardless what you may think of the man or his method, Russell is doing the right thing .. trying to get everyone on the same page .. pffff .. no easy task.   He obviously isn’t the first to try this.  Many before him have attempted to ‘rally the people’ with varied levels of success .. so what’s different?  .. what’s the problem here? .. and what’s the solution already Mr. Smarty Pants! ..

Well, ironically the main problem here is actually a big part of the solution .. media.  Not THE Media mind you .. just .. media.  Much has been written about this as well, so let’s just break it down quickly as I see it .. .

Media Bad

  1. Penetration .. Although coverage is vast, most of the world still doesn’t have access to “modern day” type media (ie, global internet usage is only around 35% or so) .. and those that are online, may be subject to censorship.  This makes it difficult to get information to those that perhaps need, or may benefit from it most.

  2. Volume .. The sheer amounts of it.  Whether it’s devices to plug into, or something else to generally glaze over, there are no shortage of things grappling for our attention.  Unless you are directly affected by an issue or travesty, people are more likely to engage in something they find entertaining than listen to another crackpot going on about global concerns .. sigh .. the dog in pajamas wins again ..   :\
    However, for those that are genuinely interested, there is almost too much information available, and it can become overwhelming.

  3. The dead horse syndrome ..  If something of importance happens to find its way into mainstream media, we are always inundated by coverage to the extent where we’re essentially sick of hearing about it .. again, unless it directly affects you .. OR .. you find it entertaining.  Be honest now .. you’re not watching it because you are going to run out the door and do something about it .. but even if you could help, would you?

    Let’s take an aside on this for a moment.  Ask yourself that.  Be honest.  It doesn’t matter what it is .. big or small .. help someone across the street, or feed the hungry .. would you walk out your door and go to their aid, or would you grab a beverage then wait’n see what happens next .. ? .. .
    .. hmmm .. maybe order a pizza .. yeah .. pizza sounds nice.   :\ 

  4. Presentation .. How you receive information.  Broadly, for example ..
    - if you don’t like to read, you’re not gonna read it
    - if you don’t like the background music, you might not watch it
    - if you don’t like the person presenting the information .. you’re not going to be into it,
      and your feelings towards them will likely influence your opinion on the topic itself ..
      maybe even overshadow it .. .

    How we receive our information can be equally important as the message itself.  In regards to Russell, just look through many of the comments people make about him .. his points and overall meaning .. generally lost.  Conversation is usually centered on what people thought of him, or the way he worded something .. or whatever .. but again, the topic at hand was essentially missed.

Russell, quick tip .. perhaps either wear a shirt that reads, Listen to what I mean, not what I say .. or else try to refrain using excessively fancy, or strongly worded language when explaining or clarifying a point.  Keep it simple so focus remains on what you are saying .. and not how you say it.

 .. gah .. I know that sounds sad .. .

It's not that I’m implying people don’t understand him .. but by using power words to invoke feelings/imagery to drive a point across .. well .. those feelings and images will be interpreted differently by different people .. it depends on their association and/or experience with that particular expression.

.  noncompliance  .  disobedience  .  revolt  .  uprising  .  mayhem  .

 .. strong words indeed .. and although he's essentially just saying we need to stop what we’re doing, and do something else .. by using that kind of vernacular, people may tend to focus more on the imagery the words invoke, and less on the message itself.  Daily in the media we see images of violence associated with peoples struggles for change .. it doesn't need to be that way.  Radical reform can be peacefully silky smooth as you'll see.  Sooo Russell ol'boy .. instead of using all those scaaary 'shock and awe' conjugations, maybe try somewhat less passionate, but happy/positive words like .. unity . flourish . prosper . pie .. You want to rally the people, not rile them up.  Passion leads to opinion and conflict .. reason leads to understanding and cooperation.

.. oye .. for a bit about clarity, I hope that wasn't the most poorly worded, horse beating babble ever written ..

hmmyeah .. those "happy" words were lame, I'm sure you could do better .. all except the 'pie' one though .. 
.. seriously .. you say pie, and I'm right there .. haha .. who wouldn't be ? .. ? .    .
Maybe you should try it .. peace through pie.  You could offer a free one with every treaty signed.  :)

On a personal note .. I am indeed a big fan of colourful expression and language .. Russell, you seem like a good lad, pop 'round and we'll sort the planet out .. easy peasy.  I’ll bring cookies ..   :)

.. moving on ..

Media Good

Let’s try to shorten this one up a little shall we?  (Yeah .. good luck, Jimmy .. pfff)  Now, if you flip the ‘ol “Media Bad” coin over, nearly all those bad points are actually the good points all well .. .
  1. Media reaches many people, not all .. but enough to get things rolling .. 
  2. Media has dogs in pajamas .. because, come on .. it’s a freakin’ dog in pajamas ..   :D
  3. Media comes if a variety of formats, and there is no shortage of it.  So, no matter what your flavor, you’ll be able to find something that appeals to you.
  4. .. blah blah .. etc etc .. .

    .. pats myself on the back .. see .. that was short   :)

So .. what exactly is my point here .. ? .. or do I even have one .. lol .. :P

I guess the point here, in regards to Russell, is that even though he is doing exactly what needs to be done, he is doomed to failure .. which right sucks actually.  Well .. “failure” is a strong word.  I guess you could say as long as he has changed even one person’s mind, it’s been a success.  The problems are that:

  • He and method doesn't have a wide enough audience appeal .. not his fault .. people are picky ..
    no one likes everything ..  :P
  • His passion and terminology tends to be what people focus on which leads to the overall message being lost, or ignored.
  • He has to compete with dogs in pajamas ..  ;)  .. and the bazillion other things that clamor for our attention.
  • People need a clear solution  .. step .. step .. step .. and not just random images of discord.

 .. in other words, Russell can’t do it all on his own .. everyone needs to help.  Now, when I say that, I don't literally mean help Russell .. although I'm sure he'd be appreciative of any assistance .. what I mean is everyone needs to help everyone.  As I’ve said before, there are those few that go to unfathomable lengths to make a difference, and even those that just do what they can .. most of us though .. and yes i do say us because i don’t exclude myself from the group .. most of us, need a good shake.

? .. Help how though ..?

If we really want to change things .. what should we do?

Vote .. ? .. well, maybe .. if you’re fortunate enough to live in a place where that is even an option .. however, personally I have to kinda agree with Russell that voting doesn’t really work anyway .. oooo .. I’m sure I heard some groans there .. lol .. but let me just fire off a couple reasons why:
  1. The cost .. (let’s just get this one out of the way now) .. voting isn’t cheap.  To constantly have referendums on issues would be a massive financial drain .. besides, it's just not very practical.
    So, we have .. .

  2. The process .. Since we don’t vote on every little thing, depending on your government type, there is generally a process in place where you can contact your local elected representatives to voice your concerns .. but how many people actually make use of this? .. and does it really even work??  Hmm, I don’t know honestly .. I’ve never tried.  You can probably toss me into the majority on that one though.
    Soo .. instead we have .. .

  3. Elected officials .. Every now again the time comes when we are all suddenly experts in the goings on of our respective little universes, and vote for the most charismatic individual that seemingly shares our own concerns ..
    .. well maybe at least some of our concerns ..
    .. lesser evil maybe .. ? ..
    .. Oh hey, isn’t that that guy that was on that show that did that thing? .. Yeah, he seems cool. ..  :\
    Whatever the motivation, we get off our potato sacks, head on down to the votey place and mark the spot .. job well done .. hope for the best ..
    I wonder what’s on TV tonight .. gah .. hope it’s not all voting coverage . . . maybe order a pizza ..
    .. yeah .. that sounds nice
    ..  :\

  4. Red Tape  +  2.. It feels like though, more often than not .. our hopes tend fall short.   Not always mind you, sometimes good things happen .. .
  5. .. but usually, accompanied by a very nicely bound
       spared no expense ya know
    .. 437 page independent study
       “awwman .. are we really gotta rifle through all this crap ourselves?”
       “hahaha .. riiight” 

    .. by a panel of experts
       Say, I wonder what these guys are any good .. gooOogle .. hmmyeah .. looks legit :) .. nice.
    .. is a very well researched,
       “yah never mind, man .. I got it .. I still have google open .. wtf .. OMG LMAO check it out!!
       he’s wearing pajamas!! rofl .. craazzy man”

    .. well crafted
       CTRL-C, CTRL-V .. . ... Option-C, Option-V for our Mac friends
    .. explanation, detailing why
       they want what?  .. haha riiiight .. .
       let’s see now .. x over here .. intial over there .. there and here .. siginature at the bottom .. .
       oo, don’t forget to daaate it .. aaaand done.ahhdammit .. .
       “hey can I use white out on this? .. what? .. ya .. ya I fricken wrote 2013 .. what? ..
       well do you have another one?” .. . .. sigh .. .
       x over here .. initial over there ..  .

    .. it just simply isn’t possible at this time.
       mission accomplished
    .. "but we promise, if reelected next term, I’m sure we can make things happen."

    .. Rinse . repeat ..
       chest bump

Ok, that’s a little over the top .. and it’s just my opinion.  So before that portion escalates into an entire debate .. let’s just agree to disagree and move on.  I don’t like mushrooms but maybe you do .. let’s not hate each other over it .. :P   If a government is really there to represent the needs and wants of the people, then it may as well just be an app.

Realistically though, for legitimate reasons or not, promises do fall short.  It doesn’t matter if it’s due to corruption, resources, budget cuts or pumpkin pie.  Needs aren’t being met, and people are suffering for it.  Now suffering is a broad word.  It means different things to different people.  One person’s suffering may seem trivial or even ridiculous to someone else.
?  Is a person suffering from oppression and lack of human rights worse off than the guy who is struggling and working two jobs just to get by?

?  People around the world dying from disease, lack of water and medical attention .. is their pain more real than the anxiety experienced by random executive guy working 14 hour days, working weekends .. constantly stressing over deadlines, his career .. missing his family .. ?
I know I’m going to get flack over this one .. but I’m going to say no.  Actually, let’s make that a big fat NO.

Suffering is relative, who are we to judge?  Whatever the cause, that pain is just as real and devastating to that individual. The point isn’t a matter of degree, the point is it’s happening .. everywhere .. all classes .. all walks of life .. and it isn’t necessary.   Poverty, oppression, starvation, being over worked, being homeless .. etc etc .. there’s quite the selection of misfortunes to choose from .. the specifics aren’t the problem, they’re the symptoms.  Cause ‘n effect baby .. . .. cause ‘n effect.

.. sigh .. so what then .. voting doesn’t seem to work so well .. .

How about a good Protest then?

Yeah! We’ll all band together outside, Johnny will bring the signs .. united as one voice, we shall be heard!!

   . .. ... !  POWER TO THE PEOPLE   ! ... .. .

 .. meh .. sound & fury signifying nothing.  Usually, you’ll end up with either one of two outcomes .. either it’ll turn into mess of .. violence, police & gas oh my! .. or everyone will totter enthusiastically about for a while with their rhyme & signs, until some smartly dressed official emerges with some lovely reassuring words of investigation and affirmative action.  The people feel vindicated.  They feel heard.  It was all worthwhile. They go home.  Some will order pizza .. some will sleep under a bridge.

Well wtf then? .. revolt? .. uprising? .. coup? .. a good ‘ol fashion fish slap to the face?  Viva la revolution!!
.. sigh .. no .. no .. no .. depends on the fish .. and no.

Again .. violence and conflict doesn’t solve anything long term.  Someone always walks away unhappy, and no one likes to be the loser.

geeeze .. so what then Mr. Doomngloom?  You’re hella depressing.  Are you saying we’re all bajiggered no matter what we do? .. so there’s no point in doing anything?! .. man .. you suck .. huge.

No, I’m not saying that at all.  What I am saying is that:
  1. Any success derived from any of the above processes doesn’t solve any of the problems, they only temporarily treat the symptoms.  (three any’s in one sentence .. not bad)

  2. Situation: Water is dripping on my floor.
    Symptom: My floor is getting wet.
    Solution: Stick a bucket under the drip ..
    .. back to the couch and Johnny Rides the School Bus 4 in 4kUltraUber3D .. cooool .. .
    Outcome: Johnny Rides the School Bus 4 sucked .. but wait .. wha'ts that noise .. ?
    Now the bucket is full and over flowing, but if I try and move it, I’m going to have an even bigger mess on my hands when I spill it .. let's face it, I’m a clumsy biped .. and yep .. water is still dripping .. super ..
    I know!  I’ll just get another bucket .. a BIGGER bucket .. and stick it on top of the first one!! .. nice ..
    Water Jenga anyone? .. cuz this’ll go on forever ..  :\

  3. How can you adequately resolve any problem without first identifying the root cause?

  4. Situation: Water is dripping on my floor.
    Symptom: My floor is getting wet.
    Solution: Stick a bucket under the drip.
    Outcome: Yeah .. that’ll work a while, and give me time to figure out what’s going on here before things get out of hand.
    Investigate:  <looks up>  Oh, well what-do-ya-know ..  there’s a leak in my roof!  Best fix that.
    Act:  Go on roof.  Fix leak.  Get a little wet.
    Result: I may have gotten a little messy, but the drip has stopped, and the problem is solved.  A little bit of cleanup and we’re good ta go.
So then, what is our problem here we need to solve?

     The governments the problem!                               My lack of government is the problem!
                                         Unemployment is the problem!
                           Wages are the problem!                             Where I live is the problem!
           The rich are the problem!            No, corruption is the problem!          .. blah blah .. etc etc ..

Hmmm .. sounds like a lot of problems.  Let’s turn to our good friend math once more to lend us a hand.

So, for sake of easy, let's take our formula from above, simplify it .. and assign allll these problems to the variable “everything else” .. .

              your situation  x  everything else2
Life  +  –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––  + =  Oh shit .. we’re still fucked
                             doing nothing

Now let’s break down the formula .. Our lives, plus all our situations, compounded by everything else we have to endure .. squared because there's a lot of it .. over the fact we're not really doing anything about it .. forever and ever equals .. yep we’re screwed .. big surprise.

But wait-a-minute .. what if we could get rid of everything else .. ? .. assign it a value of zero.  How would that affect our formula?  Well, let’s figure it out 'n see .. and remember to show you’re work.  This is Basic Living 101, not a subject ya wanna fail.  So let’s work it out step by step, and rewrite the formula using proper order of operations:

Life + (situation * everything else2  / doing nothing) +
     =  Life + (situation * 02  /  doing nothing) + forever and ever
     =  Life + 0 + forever and ever
     =  Life + forever and ever .. don't forget to round up and simplify .. 
     =  Living
     =  42

See .. simple when you break down .. showing your work really helps too .. and that answer is WAY better than the first one.  As our formula clearly demonstrates, if we render everything else null .. no matter what our situation, even if we do nothing .. eliminating everything else will negate our situations and simply allow us to live.

.. easy peasy ..

You’re an idiot!  Surely you’re math is flawed!  Nothing is that simple!

You’re right .. it’s not that simple.  All we’ve done is demonstrated that when we eliminate everything else .. then we would truly be able to simply live .. but everything else is a variable .. so then what?  How can we eliminate something that’s always changing?  Well, we’re just going to have to find the root everything else .. or the common denominator.

So .. let’s randomly choose just a couple of problems here ..

  • Hunger .. people are generally hungry or starving around the world, not because there isn’t enough to eat, but rather because they simply can’t afford to pay for it.

  • Crime .. in my opinion, crimes can be broken down into three categories ..
    1. Crimes against society - such as running a red light, or dancing naked in the rain downtown, vandalism, causing a disturbance .. etc.
    2. Violent crimes - rape, assault, murder, crimes of passion, .. etc.
    3. Crimes for personal gain - and that’s the big one.  Most of the crimes committed, selling drugs, robbery, prostitution, extortion, piracy, kidnapping .. many of which also involve violence .. .. most of these crimes are to either to generate money through the sale of illegal or stolen goods, or to acquire items people can’t afford to purchase.

  • Ecological .. hmmmwell .. that’s another broad one.  If we’re not busy pillaging our planet of its goods for profit, we’re polluting it and causing irrepresentable harm to the land, sea, wildlife and ourselves.  Doing things in an environmentally friendly way is expensive (until it’s profitable that is) .. and cleaning up the mess is even more costly, so yeah .. don’t expect a big turn-around there.

  • Poverty .. well that’s an easy one .. lack of money .. duh .. but generally due to a lack of jobs and education.

. .. .. ok .. I could go on and on with this, but let’s just call it there.  Seems pretty obvious, the common thread here is money .. hmmm, now pause here for a second ..

I bet if you look back, you knew money was going to be my point .. why do you think that is?
.. am I that predictable?
.. are you psychic?
.. because that’s all people ever moan about?
.. or maybe because it's true.
.. maybe you share some of those problems .. .
 . credit bills piling up?
 . can’t make ends meet?
 . can’t eat?
 . working too much?
 . not working enough?
 . can’t afford the latest gizmomatic? 
Money .. or lack of it .. influences/directs/dictates your life in some way.

Now, I’m going to go out on a limb here and just claim as fact, nearly all the world’s problems are either directly, or indirectly related to money.   Do any detailed research on any issue you want .. it’ll be in there guaranteed.

Let me regurgitate a couple of quick stats for ya .. yeah, people love their statistics .. I hate to do this, but I’m trying to put things in perspective here.

  • If you earn $500 US per year (no that isn’t a typo) .. you make more money than 20% of the world’s population.  That’s more people than the population of ALL of North America AND Europe combined.
  • If you earn $1,000 US per year (again, not a typo) .. you make more than HALF of the world’s population.
  • If you earn $4,000 US or more per year .. congratulations .. you make more money than 80% of the people on the planet.  That's more than the total populations of Africa, Australia, Europe, North America, South America, Antarctica and half of Asia combined or ... in other words more people, than 6.5 of the 7 continents. Yup, if you live in a developed country, you could work part time at some random menial job, and still make more money than 5.5 billion other people.   :\  

Now you could argue that the cost of living and goods varies from region to region, and you'd be right .. but that's irrelevant.  No matter what things cost, or where you live .. poverty is everywhere .. . .. everywhere.

.. blah blah .. yeah we know already .. money is the problem .. but then what to do?  .. more jobs?
   .. higher wages?  .. tax cuts? .. redistribution of wealth? ..

hmmm .. about 7ish billion people .. geeeze .. that’s a lot of wealth to redistribute .. not to mention a crap load of paper work.  Besides, redistributing wealth is really just another kind of robbery, and that’s not right either.   As for the other “solutions” .. well .. they really just perpetuate the problem.  Sure, hitting the reset button might make things okay for a little while .. and usually does .. (like our bucket did) .. but again and again, the same old issues will keep popping up .. crime .. stock crashes .. unemployment .. poverty .. starvation .. etc .. etc .. all just symptoms of the core problem .. money.

So what now .. ?  Well if we go back to the formula, we needed to discover the common denominator of the variable everything else so that we can eliminate it from the equation .. money.  Only if we completely eliminate money as a mitigating factor in anything/everything we do, can we truly live and be free.

.. sigh .. yes yes .. I can hear the collective moans and groans .. it’s difficult to talk about this stuff without sounding like a proper nut-job, but please stay with me.  We are baby-stepping our way through the problems, working things out calmly and logically.  I know it’s long .. but hey it’s only our future, our kid’s future .. our planet’s future at stake.

I wish I knew the magic combination of words to entertain you .. to keep you reading and interested .. to make you think .. to make you understand .. make you act.  I’m sorry that I don’t .. but if you could forgive me that shortcoming, and lend me some of your life’s minutes .. you may just be able to reclaim them manyfold.  

Take a break .. grab a beverage .. and let’s carry on,  I’ll wait .. in fact, I think it’s time for another coffee myself.

<INTERMISSION> .. cue dancing hotdog ..

. ..s-t-r-e-e-e-e-t-c-h.. . ..sip.. . .. . ..sip.. . .   .    .            sip

Okay, let’s do a quick recap of what we already know, and have discovered so far .. in no particular order ..
  1. Globally, we have many serious and commonly shared issues that require immediate attention.
  2. Media is a vital tool.  In order to be successful however, the material should be clear & concise (unlike all this dribble drabble) and available in multiple formats and styles.
  3. Most importantly, regardless of medium or source, the information needs to be unified with well-defined instructions on how to progress, not rehashing what we already know .. we need to be on the same page.
  4. Current methods of resolving issues or invoking change are not working in the long term.
  5. We’ve identified the source of the problem .. money .. or living in a currency based society.

Hmm .. I guess I could have just said that at the beginning and saved us all some time, but like I said, we really need to show our work to understand and fully resolve the problem .. step step step .. . .. look at that baby go .. :)

Before I get into the process and benefits of eliminating currency, let’s touch on a couple of the challenges .. first and foremost, preconceptions and getting people to listen. 

Look, I know this is hard to swallow.  The notion of ridding ourselves of money just sounds so imposuriculous, that anyone trying to discuss it is generally thought of as a crack pot.  Most people wouldn’t even consider looking at it .. “ahhgeeeze .. another net lunatic ranting about blah blah blah” .. Well bub, guess what .. you are the main problem .. not the system .. not the government .. not money .. not whatever .. you are.  (imposuriculous .. yes .. new word.  Add it to your dictionary.)  Without being willing to as least listen to a possible solution to a problem, how can we ever work together to solve it?

The next major hurtle .. getting enough people listening and on the same page.  Thankfully, this is easily remedied, but again, the onus is on you.  Regardless if you agree with the content, you must share it with someone else you know, and convince them to look at it.  In turn, they must do the same, and so on.  Supposedly we are all just six handshakes away from anyone else in the world, so by simply getting a friend or two to review what’s being presented, would accomplish this task.  See .. told ya this was an easy one .. easy, but critical.  Even if the reason is “hey, check it out .. this guy is a bloody idiot .. look at the shite he’s talking here!” .. just share it.

Not so bad so far, eh?  Forwarding the link was easy .. reading through it all was tough, but several cups of caffeine and a couple of pee breaks later ..  you managed .. now what .. ?

Okay .. let’s assume those first couple of steps have been successful, many people are reading about this, some people are onboard .. most think I’m an idiot .. next .. just get involved.  Again, this is another easy step, and how we do love easy now don’t we.  ;)    “Getting involved” at this step is simply replying to this thread, where ever it may be.  Share your thoughts and ideas.  If you think I’m an idiot, tell me why, just don’t be a dink about it, and please .. no caps .. <shrug> .. In all honesty, at this point, hearing from the naysayers is most important.  This goes back to our basic problem solving .. we can’t solve a problem if we don’t know what it is.  If you think this is utter bullshit, speak up .. tell us why.  Only by examining everyone’s concerns, can we fully resolve the issue. 

If you’re not into replying in any of the threads, “getting involved” for you would simply mean staying informed with what is happening.  Don’t just look at it once and think .. meh .. and move on.  Bookmark it .. subscribe to it .. like it .. follow it .. whatever.  Just don’t let it fall by the wayside.  Again, the onus is on you.  One little mouse click .. easy.

See .. the real problem here isn’t them .. it isn’t corruption or greed or manipulation .. we are the problem.  We are the enablers, and we are allowing this to happen.  We know there are major issues that need resolving, we know we need change, but with the exception of a few, most of us think “there isn’t really anything I can do” .. and you’d be right.  There isn’t anything you can do to change things .. but we can.  Only together, can we permanently change life for the better, for everyone.  Oye, that sounded cheesy .. but it’s true.  This entire process of change will be as easy, or as difficult as we make it on ourselves.  So let’s just make it easier on ourselves okay?  .. things have been hard enough already.  :P  Also, the easier it is, the quicker it will happen.

Quick’n easy ya say, huh .. well ya .. that sounds good ta me.

Actually, I can’t emphasize this enough ..

The entire process of change will be as easy or as difficult as we make it on ourselves.
Read that a couple of times and let it sink in .. .

Typically, in life and in fiction it takes some kind of calamity to unite people together in common cause .. well, I’ve seen the movie and, I don’t know about you, but apocalypse seems kinda shitty to me, so let’s just skip that step entirely.  Sound good?  .. nifto .. but really, how much worse do things need to get?  Depending where you are in the world, you may be living in apocalypse right now.  So let’s get a move on, eh .. .

. .. Quick . Easy .. .

So just how quick & easy am I talkin’ here .. hmmwell, probably easier than reading through all my jibber jabber .. lol .. but seriously, in the long-run, for most people, it would involve less effort and time than what you currently are doing.   Just keep reading and you’ll see how ridiculously easy it really is.

How quick .. ?  Very .. .

Transitioning to a moneyless system isn’t something that would take years at all .. honestly, once word gets around, and if things are organized well enough .. AND if we make it easy on ourselves (glance up to the bolded line above, read it again .. and then read it once more) .. the process would take a few weeks, if not less .. but getting rid of money isn't the ending, it's only the beginning of another chapter, and let's not skip ahead.

Volume and momentum .. that’s all we really need.  Get enough people to start doing it (the transition) and KEEP at it, others will see .. the word will spread .. momentum takes over, and before you know it, we’re there.  We just need to keep at it.  Accomplishing anything is simply a matter of doing it.  
.. If you have an itch, you scratch it .. done.
.. If you need to blow your nose, you blow it .. done.
.. If you need to fart .. well .. you get the idea.
If you want to live in a moneyless society .. you just do it.  You can’t accomplish anything if you don’t even begin.

Okay .. before I get to the how .. and yes, it’s coming .. let’s touch on the why .. ya ya .. getting rid of money will eliminate hunger, poverty, most crime, prevent many wars, help save the environment .. blah blah .. etc etc .. BORING ..  but what’s in it for you .. ? .. .  How will this affect you on a day-to-day basis .. what would your life be like?  Let’s face it, most people aren’t going to be interested in such a radical change unless it is going to significantly benefit them directly.  Forget about the global issues .. what does it mean to the individual.

Well .. aside from personal achievements and goals .. I think it would be fair to say that when it comes to life, what most people want is simple .. to be able to live free.  Free of want, burden or hardship.   Free to come and go where they please, as they please, when they please.  They want the freedom to choose.  Freedom of belief.  To live without obstacle.  To be happy.  Not just some of the time, but all of the time.   Did I leave anything out?  Was it cheesy enough?  :\

.. in other words .. they want to do as they please, and get what they want.  See, in order for something like this to work, it isn’t sufficient to provide for one’s needs, you also have to cater to their wants as well .. otherwise, what’s the point really?  People need to be able to get, or have access to what they want .. within reason of course .. I know someone out there is saying .. .

But what if I twelve sports cars, 47 pairs of shoes, three mansions, two yachts, a space shuttle and Antartica?

.. sigh .. I’m just going to shake my head in your general direction and shrug.

<shake> <shake>


.. geeeze .. do I even need to address this? .. erg .. materialism .. I guess so, eh?  Materialism is a side effect of our era, so I suppose it deserves a few words.  If you could have wants such as gadgets, a vehicle(s), a home, furniture, food, clothes, electronics .. etc .. etc .. all of the best quality .. and not own, but have access to the rest .. wouldn’t that be enough?  Do you need your own plane to fly anywhere you want?  What if you could go boating anytime you wanted, but didn’t have to own the boat?  Geeze .. these are horrible examples, but they’ll do for now.  I hope you get my meaning, and this will be elaborated on later, but remember, we’re baby stepping our way through this .. and we’re not at that step yet.

As I said, materialism is a side effect of our era, and we’re the ones that will have the most difficult time transitioning through it.  To following generations, materialism will only be a word without concept because they’ll lack for nothing.

Now where were we .. ah yes .. talking about why to do this, and what it means to you.  I’ll sum it up like this.. .

So that you will lack for nothing.  So you can live as you please .. and it’s because it’s the right thing to do.   :)

Did that sound like a cop-out? hhahah ..yeah .. it kind of was .. lol .. but really, I don't want to lose focus here.  We can all imagine what a utopian society would be like, so let's not focus on those details, but rather concentrate on how we get there.

So then .. let's continue this in another post, this one is quite long enough .. lol .. and I'll go step-by-step on how to do this .. easy peasy.

Cheers ..

S T O P .. you're doing it wrong .. (Part 1)