S T O P .. you're doing it wrong .. (Part 1.5) | ourMootWorld

No matter if you're trying to trying to save the world, or plan a school dance, Step 1 is always the same .. get people together to and plan. This time, we explore why this one seemingly simple step is so difficult to accomplish, and usually end in failure.

Hey everyone ..

I posted this in a group regarding change. I think it is CRITICALLY important for us to understand why world change is failing.  The issue doesn't matter .. environmental, poverty, corruption , human rights .. whatever .. they all share the same Step 1, which they are all struggling with, and ultimately failing at.

If you've read some my previous posts, parts of the following will sound familiar.


How and why the NWO will become a reality .. like it or not. 

NWO: For those that don't know, stands for "New World Order" .. sigh .. I hate that term, it sounds so science fictiony.  Like one of those phrases conspiracy theorists throw around to psych us all out .. :P
Regardless, I didn't name it, so let's move on .. To quickly define it, NWO is a term used to represent a possible future state of the world if current economic, and political trends are allowed to continue and worsen.

.. this will likely be long, so you may want to grab a beverage and get comfortable ..
.. probably a pee break wouldn’t hurt either .. ;)

Ready .. ? .. here we go .. .

.. sigh .. It seems painfully obvious to me that that the NWO will come about for one reason, and one reason only .. because WE will allow it to happen. Correction, because we will continue to allow it to happen.

We all causally bitch and moan about the things we don't like in the world to the point where it's become a pastime .. a club .. just look through the FB groups for example .. group after group after group of truthers and free thinkers, all wanting to change the world.

Meme after meme .. post after post .. we watch in entertained horror, marveling in shock and curious fascination at the beautifully produced articles and videos of 'ooo' this and 'oh my gosh' that .. stuffing cow and fries into our coffee holes wondering, “how can such travesties possible happen in this day and age “ .. . .

So, will any of these groups be successful .. ? .. no. Why .. ? .. because there is group after group after group.

The only way for us to be successful, is to be one group united .. which of course is what all these groups are trying to do, but ultimately failing at .. a shame really .. can't fault them for trying.

Change can’t be a hobby .. it’s an event. It isn’t something you do when you have the time, it’s something you commit to without waver. We will NEVER have change without BEGINNING to change .. in other words ..
“Do or do not, there is no try” .. now tell me you didn’t read that like Yoda .. ;)

Don't get me wrong, there are people that go to unfathomable lengths to change the world, and those that just do what they can .. but most of us need a good shake. Perhaps if peace came with a slice of pie, more people would get on board .. ? I don’t know about you, but if someone says “pie” .. I’m right there! .. hahaha ..

So what then .. ? .. how do you “rally the people” together? Hmmm .. other than my uber-fantastical pie concept, typically in life and in fiction it takes some kind of calamity to unite people in common cause .. well, I’ve seen the movie, and I don’t know about you, but apocalypse seems kinda shitty to me, so let’s just skip that option entirely.

The best, most successful/only way to get everyone involved is .. to get everyone involved. Yes, yes .. I know that sounds like rhetorical nonsense, but listen .. take this forum for example; just for arguments sake, let’s say this is THE definitive source for inciting change .. the “How To” for change .. many of you must think so because the group is near 40,000 strong. Now, of you 40,000 fellow bipeds, how many of you have recommended/insisted that everyone you know join this group? Not just a friend or two, but everyone?

You see, it isn’t any one single person or group’s responsibility to get the word out, it’s all of ours .. How can we convince the world to change, when we aren’t even willing to convince those we know, love and trust .. ? If we were all TRULY dedicated to change, and not just curiously fascinated/entertained by the notion of it, this group would be millions strong instead of thousands.

WE are why change will fail, and the NWO is an eventuality. Think about it .. .

Well then, why don’t we spread the word .. ?
  1. Change can be a frightening thing, even when for the better.
  2. The Old Shoe Syndrome .. comfortable and familiar, we hold on to them long past their time. Worn out, full of holes, smelly .. we know they gotta go .. but .. nah .. we’ll hold onto them a little longer .. and a little longer. We know full well they’ll eventually fall apart, but that doesn’t matter .. we’ll keep wearing them anyway.
  3. People believe that you can’t fight or change the system .. so what’s the point in trying, or say to themselves, "That's just the way it is."
  4. For the most part, I think many people don't talk about change because there is a stigma associated with those that want to change the world. We’re looked upon as crackpots and conspiracy theorists, and so for some, talking to others about it may be embarrassing.

    .. but really, why is it so wrong to want to make the world a better place .. ?
  5. .. don’t we all want the same things out of life?
Aside from personal achievements and goals .. I think it would be fair to say that when it comes to life, what most people want is simple .. to be able to live free. Free of want, burden or hardship. Free to come and go where they please, as they please, when they please. They want the freedom to choose. Freedom of belief. To live without obstacle. To be happy. Not just some of the time, but all of the time.

So, you see my point? If we were TRULY dedicated to change, we would be encouraging every single person we know to get on board, then the movement would go viral .. and we’d be well on our way.

Is it too late .. ? .. No .. of course not, but without the willingness on ALL OUR parts to consistently spread the word, change will NEVER happen. You don’t need a blog, you don’t need to be a YouTube celebrity .. just talk to people. Your friends, your family, your colleagues .. talk to them about it, create a dialog .. send a link .. get them involved, or at least, informed.

If we ALL did that ONE simple thing .. word would spread exponentially, and change would come quickly.

The entire process of change will be as easy or as difficult as we make it on ourselves.

Regardless, there is no way to change the world while operating within its existing corrupted system .. all we are doing is sustaining .. perpetuating the problem.  It's like trying to wash yourself while sitting in the mud, it may look like you're getting clean, but nope, every time you turn around, you're still dirty.

We rally, we protest .. we vote, we revolt .. but ultimately, in the end we return the power and decisions over to those (or the systems) that are in fact part of the problem.  Then, we sit back and wonder why nothing ever changes.

The problem with government isn’t so much the “-ism”, the problem with government is that we “elect” officials under the assumption that they appear to share our own personal views for change .. but that rarely seems to be the case in the end. For legitimate reasons or not, promises do fall short.

If a government is really there to represent the voices and concerns of the people, then it may as well just be an app.

So then, we obviously we need an alternative system to transition into .. but that’s another conversation entirely. Even if we have the perfect new *ism to live under, without Step 1. .. dialog .. it will never happen.

Changing the world is easy .. probably easier than you realize .. getting people to listen, now THAT'S hard. If we could accomplish that one simple task, we could radically change the face of the world, not in centuries or lifetimes, but rather in weeks, months and years.

Do or do not .. there is no try.


S T O P .. you're doing it wrong .. (Part 1.5)


  1. The reason most people don't and won't embrace change is that they measure the prescribed solutions against a nonsense vision of the future which bares no relationship to reality.

    As long as people continue to envision that capitalism can deliver and endress supply of ffree energy as long as we keep chugging away as normal and invest in Fusion power, or whatever their preferred hypothetical panacea is, we will continue to live in more or less similar comfort to today.

    People need to be convinced that this theory is utterly wrong, before they will start considering the supposedly "loony ideas" they like to write off and denigrate.

  2. I agree .. people have a misguided view of what the world would *actually* be like if we were to abolish capitalism. They think that they would lose out on many of life's creature comforts and luxuries, while just the opposite would be true.

    In order for any new system to work, you not only have to provide for an individual's needs, but also their wants as well .. after all, if their quality of life is less what they currently have, then what would be the point in changing?

    This is what my #BoxOfficeChallenge was all about .. people need to see how the world could be .. how the process of change would happen. Again, as to how that transition could realistically happen will be the topic of my next blog post.
